Editorial Policy
Authors must agree that the whole or any part of their contribution may be quoted or used without charge for any non-commercial purpose. As a counterpart both the authors and the editors/publisher ("Carnets Geol.") may at their discretion re-use it (For instance, authors are free to deposit their work in any open online archive where it will be permanently and openly accessible).
Copyrights and other limitations
An article stored in our archives may be duplicated and circulated if it is not to be sold or used for any commercial purpose. Written permission need not be obtained from the author(s) and "Carnets Geol." unless commercial exploitation is planned. Except where otherwise noted, content on the pages is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 2.5.
Procedure for submission
Proposals for publication in all three categories must be submitted by E-mail or by post. Sent by E-mail the proposal should include the title of the work, a summary of its content that includes an estimate of its length and/or volume: the number of pages, figures, tables, annexes, photos, and the category of submission contemplated (See below for definitions), the names and E-mail addresses of all authors, and the telephone number of the principal or his/her delegate. In submissions by post street addresses replace the E-mail routing. The merit of some short notes may be difficult to assess from a summary. If, in the author's judgement evaluation from a summary would be difficult, the full text may be submitted by E-mail as a proposal.
Priority restrictions
The work proposed must be original. In the event it is not the editor will determine whether or not online publication is desirable.
Handling of accepted papers
A work accepted for publication will be sent at once to two or more reviewers deemed expert in the field. Their comments and suggestions will be forwarded to the editor by E-mail. The editor will relay the commentaries to the author(s) who may accept the suggestions and edit the work accordingly, or dispute the findings in an exchange of E-mails with the editor.
The corresponding author (if more than one) will be sent a proof of his paper as it will appear by E-mail attachment(s) in PDF or HTML. His comments will be taken into consideration, but the editors' judgements regarding emendations are final.
In the event that an author is not entirely at ease in the language selected for publication the editor may require, or the author request, assistance in rendering the text more conventionally. Under special circumstances translation to English or French will be proposed free of charge.
Definitions of Categories
The following definitions are somewhat elastic, but serve to define the three types of submissions:
1. Memoirs: These are papers of considerable length based on factual data (for example stratigraphic sections) together with an explanatory text and links to related topics. The submission will be published in HTML or DHTML and may include MPG, MP3 and AVI or other types of presentation. The editors require discussion of and agreement on these methods before publication.
2. Articles: This is the category resembling that of most papers published conventionally. The text is more than 1500 words in length and commonly does not exceed 50.000 words. The subject may concern findings in any of the disciplines accepted in Carnets and, rarely, those in related fields.
3. Letters: These are reports one to three pages long (1500 words maximum) concerning new facts or interpretations. They are published in PDF format, occasionally in HTML. Two figures in any of the commonly used protocols may be included.
Formats for Submissions
Accepted papers are sent to the address above in Simple Text, or word processor format (exceptionally in HTML after consultation with the editor). Photographs, charts, diagrams and maps are preferably in TIFF,
GIF, JPEG or EPS format. Suggested dimensional limits are given below. Normally, illustrations should not exceed 300 dpi. With rare exceptions they will be forwarded only on the CD that includes the arbitrated final version of the text. Vector images in gif or bmp should be accompanied by the original format. All figures required for any one paper must be numbered and identified sequentially. Identification procedure is outlined below.
WinWord Template
Download the template to ease the final submission:
Presentation of Submissions
a. Required Sequence and Recommended Limitations:
TITLE: Not more than two lines of 40 characters each including spaces; no acronyms, numbers or abbreviations.
KEY WORDS: Maximum of eight. See list at GeoRef. website.
ABSTRACT: Less than 250 words, fewer for Letters. First sentence gives scope followed by details and conclusions.
TEXT: Length according to category.
REFERENCES: See style notes below. Maximum of twenty for Letters.
TABLES, CHARTS, MAPS: Each on a separate page and numbered consecutively.
TABLES should replace text, not duplicate it.
MAPS should include latitude and longitude in degrees and a North arrow.
FIGURE LEGENDS: Sans serif font; less than forty words.
FIGURES: On separate pages. Size may be altered to conform to page arrangement and a modest reduction is normal.
The order of presentation is indicated in the final CD by numbers and if required, also by letters:
discrete sets of numbers must accompany each of the several categories of illustration.
The editor will choose the sites of their placement following the author's recommendations insofar as possible.
b. Preferred fonts: The fonts listed here are satisfactory for net presentation. In general fonts without serifs are read more easily. Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, Verdana, Times New Roman. Others may be used sparingly. Minimum size 9 points. If reduction is probable, 11 pts. Fonts for mathematical, biological and mineralogical presentations are accepted.
c. References: All references cited in the text or in figures or tables must be included in the list of references. They are listed alphabetically by the first author's surname. Two or more authors follow, also alphabetically. If authors have more than one title to list, arrange them chronologically, earlier dates first. Journal names and book titles, publisher name and city of publication are not abbreviated.
Here are sample references in the style preferred for this journal:
<author>Frenguelli</author> J. (1936).- Diatomeas de la caliza de la cuenca de Calama en el desierto de Atacama
(Chile).- <journal>Revista del Museo de La Plata</journal>, La Plata, Paleontologia, n° 1, 141 p.
<author>Jones</author> B. &
<author>Renaut</author> R.W. (1994).- Crystal fabrics and microbiota in large pisoliths from Laguna Pastos Grandes, Bolivia.-
<journal>Sedimentology</journal>, Oxford, vol. 41, p. 1171-1202.
<author>Risacher</author> F. &
<author>Fritz</author> B. (1992).- Mise en évidence d'une phase climatique holocène extrêmement aride dans l'Altiplano central, par la présence de la polyhalite dans le salar de Uyuni (Bolivie).-
<journal>Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences</journal>, Paris, vol. 314, n° II, p. 1371-1377.
<author>Ter Braak</author> C.J.F.,
<author>Juggins</author> S.,
<author>Birks</author> H.J.B. &
<author>Van der Voet</author> H. (1993).- Weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS): definition and comparison with other methods for species-environmental calibration.
<author>Patil</author> G.P. &
<author>Rao</author> C.R. (eds.), Multivariate Environmental Statistics.- Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, p. 525-560.
Please contact the addresses below for additional information:
Association Carnets de GĂ©ologie
Département des Sciences de la Terre
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
6, avenue Le Gorgeu
29238 Brest Cedex 3, France