


The 20 Journals

Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A

Instructions to authors

The "Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A" is a scientific journal that publishes original papers in Mineralogy, Geology, Palaeontology, Archaeology, Prehistory, and Archaeozoology.

The journal focuses on papers by Natural History Museum Vienna staff or their associates, and papers dealing with material stored at the NHMW, will be published. In special cases, thematic volumes with invited authors appear.

Only original papers are published. Manuscript acceptance is decided by the editor, the decisions being based on two peer-reviews. Authors may suggest suitable reviewers (including addresses and e-mail).

Papers should be submitted in English or German (with an extended English abstract) and should have been subject to linguistic correction by a native-speaker prior to submission.

Papers (including all artwork) must be submitted in electronic versions. For the initial submission a pdf-file including the artwork is the preferred format (double spaces, include page numbering). The revised manuscript should be submitted in a MS-Word compatible format (*.doc, *.rtf). All artwork and tables should be submitted as separate files labelled consecutively (fig1.tif, fig2.tif, fig3.tif, etc.). The preferred format for digital artwork is TIFF format (*.tif), with a minimum of 300 dpi in publishing size (600 dpi are recommended).

Be sure to include the full names, addresses and e-mail addresses of all co-authors. The office and private phone number of the corresponding author are needed should questions arise during the editorial and layout process.

Manuscripts and correspondence regarding manuscripts should exclusively be sent to:

Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Geologisch-Paläontologische Abteilung
Burgring 7
1010 Wien
Tel.: 0043-1-52177-576
Fax: 0043-1-52177-459

Detailed information regarding format, page size and references formatting: Instructions to Authors (pdf-file)



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